Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dumbledore's Army : Harry Potter in Personalized Stamps

Harry Potter is one of the series novels by JK Rowling, a British woman writer. The story of Harry Potter is famous around the world, which made JK Rowling the richest writer in the history of literature. Harry Potter personalized stamps price are US$ 20 for one sheet (12 pieces). Please contact me in Facebook or for buy stamps.

Order of The Phoenix : Harry Potter in Personalized Stamp

These stamps issued Pos Indonesia in cooperation with Warner Bros, USA. The price US$ 20 including postage charge.

Dark Arts : Harry Potter in Personalized Stamps

PosThis stamp issued in limited edition. It will be very high value if we keep it for collection. This price US$ 20, please contact me in facebook or

The Forbidden Forest : Harry Potter in Personalized Stamp

Indonesia issued this Personalized Stamp in 2007. You can buy this stamp by me, This stamp prices only US$ 20, included postage charged to all the world.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

US Franklin Z-Grill stamp, 1867

US Franklin Z-Grill 1867, this is the rarest of all postage stamps of The United States, only found 2 pieces that remain, In 1988 a stamp "Z-Grill" 1c in 1868 sold for US$ 938,000 .

The British Guiana 1c Magenta stamp

The British Guiana 1c on Magenta stamp ( 1856 ) is included rares and most expensive stamps. Stamps printed on low quality paper in magenta with black ink, due to emergency conditions. Given there is only one fruit left in the whole world, so this stamp was unique and no other else ever found. In year 1980 has been auctioned to John Dupont for US$ 935,000.

The Inverted Jenny

The Inverted Jenny was the 1918 US Postage stamp image plane Curtiss JN-4 and accidentally printed upside down, this is probably the most famous misprint in the world of American Philately. Only 100 stamps of remaining print, making it one misprint stamps most valuable. One full block inverted Jenny stamps sold at auctuin Robert A. Siegel in October 2005 for US$ 2.7 million. And in November 2007 an inverted Jenny stamps sold for US$ 977,500. In December 2007 a mint stamps with very good condition sold to a Wall Street executive for US$ 825,000.

The first two Mauritius stamps

The first two stamps of Mauritius 1847 are the first two series of stamps issued by the British colonial government. Only the left one first stamps unused condition and three second stamp with unused condition. In 1993 David Feldman auction Mauritius stamp's Hiroyuki Kanai's generate the highest record. The first stamps orange sold for US$ 1,072,260 and the second for 1,148,850.

Friday, October 16, 2009

King Willem III ( Dutch ) : The first postage stamp of Indonesia

After the British stamps issued in 1840, other several countries soon followed, among others : Zurich, Geneve, Basel ( three in Switzerland ), Mauritius, France, Germany, the United States and Brazil.

Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) government at the time ruled the archipelago, on 1 April 1864 date stamp was first issued. Dutch East Indies stamps newborn's red wine with a nominal price of 10 cents and displays the image of King Willem III.

At first time the image contains only the head of state ( king and queen ), the symbol of the state or the numbers alone indicate a nominal price, but then stamp design includes a wide range.

What is postage stamps

Stamps comes from the Latin "franco" which means the signs of the payment to pay of the cost of mailing. In the other words, no mailing cost charged to the recipients , but must be paid by the sender of the letter using stamps.

Postage stamp is actually a picture of a piece of paper issued by the government on the front includes the publishing of names and certain nominal value, while the rear is glue. Postage stamps used for payment of postal mailing.

By attaching a stamp, on a letter means that the cost of sending the letter in exchange for the Postal Service is obliged to deliver the letter to the address in the destination.