Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wedding dress made from stamps

Stamps it can be applied to clothing. In Surabaya, Indonesia, stamps applications were realized in the from of wedding dress. This stamps wedding dress on display in the Atrium Plaza, on Sunday, September 27,2009. Stamp wedding dress is made with ruffles trimmed bustier model, has a tail that cascaded throughout this 3 meter. Praktis Bridal designed it by then they won an award from the Museum's of Indonesia's record.

In addition to using stamps, but also the postal objects, such as duitpos, weselpos, and postcards. Duitpos 50,000 rupiahs as much as 4 pieces, 2 pieces weselpos visa electon, 100 sheets of postcards, 2154 pieces stamps used from Indonesia, 1300 pieces the new stamps from other countries, and 575 pieces of new stamps from Indonesia was issued in 2009.

Postage is affixed on the base material of the duches and tile. Among the patchs was installed svarovski crystal accessories.Basic dress made for 2 days.